Are you wasting a TON

of money on your cloud?

Reduce Cloud Costs

We fix leaky clouds

Cloud billing is ridiculously complicated. A typical enterprise cloud bill can contain millions of line items that represent tens of thousands of different resource types and price points. AWS alone has more than 70,000 price points for compute instances alone.

Overprovisioned compute, write-only data lakes, misconfigured backups, cross-zone data transfer, storage overprovisioning, orphaned resources...
Does any of this sound familiar?

No wonder companies are leaking money at an amazing rate.

Wasted in 2019
Cloud OpEx Wasted
Over Provisioned Compute
Over Provisioned Storage
What's the fix?

What We Do

We find the waste

We fix the waste

We keep it fixed

Budget Enforcement

Reduce knows when a project is approaching the limit. Reduce can also automatically prevent a project team from provisioning new resources until a variances is approved. Run IT like a business with Reduce and watch the savings go directly to the bottom line.

Organizational Visibility

Reduce shows your spend in the context of your organization. Which project is spending too much? Can this project afford an expansion? When will this project go over budget? Which projects go over budget if this funding source is reduced? Reduce lets you use this knowledge to steer your org on budget.

Over Provisioning Correction

40% of compute instances are too big for the load required. Downsizing an instance one tier can save 25%, downsizing 2 tiers can save 50%. Get the idea? Reduce identifies over provisioned compute instances and, with your approval, resizes them for you to save you money.

Dev Environment Turn Down

Your developers only need development and QA environments when they're working. There are 168 hours in a week, of which around 40 are spent at work. Cloud providers bill you only for compute that is 'on', so Reduce Cloud Costs turns development environments off when your team is not at work. This yield as much as 75% savings on development compute costs!

How's This Work?

Cloud savings go straight to the bottom line

Reduce finds problems, fixes problems, and keeps them fixed

Pick Targets

Reduce Cloud Costs takes stock of your cloud inventory and makes suggestions on what to pause

Single Pane of Glass

Reduce shows you only what you need to get to the bottom of spending leaks

Forecast spending

Reduce forecasts spending in the context of your organization and budgets

Detect Anomalies

Tired of finding out too late about spending anomalies? Reduce can help

How much?


You pay 2% of whatever you spend on Reduce-managed accounts

Budget Enforcement

Reduce knows when a project is approaching the limit. Reduce can also automatically prevent a project team from provisioning new resources until a variances is approved. Run IT like a business with Reduce and watch the savings go directly to the bottom line.

Organizational Visibility

Reduce shows your spend in the context of your organization. Which project is spending too much? Can this project afford an expansion? When will this project go over budget? Which projects go over budget if this funding source is reduced? Reduce lets you use this knowledge to steer your org on budget.

Over Provisioning Correction

40% of compute instances are too big for the load required. Downsizing an instance one tier can save 25%, downsizing 2 tiers can save 50%. Get the idea? Reduce identifies over provisioned compute instances and, with your approval, resizes them for you to save you money.

Dev Environment Turn Down

Your developers only need development and QA environments when they're working. There are 168 hours in a week, of which around 40 are spent at work. Cloud providers bill you only for compute that is 'on', so Reduce Cloud Costs turns development environments off when your team is not at work. This yield as much as 75% savings on development compute costs!

It can't be this easy

Frequently Asked Questions


How do you measure savings?

If Reduce stops a spend event, we log it.

If Reduce turns down your resources, we record how much we save

If you take Reduce's advice on over allocation, we record how much we saved

Add it up and Reduce pays for itself

Which clouds? Technologies?

AWS and datacenter only (for now)

Any instance type, any OS

Reduce tracks everything, it stops what it can


Any Examples?

You spend $30,000 per month across 3 AWS accounts

You set up Reduce in your cloud.

You pay us $600 ($30000 * 2%)

You pay us less as you save money.

If Reduce saves more than 2%, it pays for itself.

What is the limit?

No limits.

We scale to meet your needs

You pay less as we save you money.

Reduce pays for itself at any scale